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FreedomRun 2020 Registration


Thank you for supporting FreedomRun 2020: A fundraiser to give justice to fight for others. Before signing up for the run, we would like to give you a #IRanForFreedom shirt and baller as a token of our gratitude.


A few reminders before you are redirected to filling up your registration:

1. Please make sure to enter your correct email address – one single wrong character and your confirmation email with be forwarded to an incorrect email address.

2. Upon completion of the regristration form, a confirmation email with the link for the bib/singlet would arrive to the email address that you entered on the registration form within 24 hours.

If it exceeds the 24 hour confirmation period, please email us at [email protected]



Please specify your desired size for the shirt to continue.

*If problems occur during the registration process (i.e. certains buttons are not working), please make sure your browser is up to date, or you can also try using a different browser.


SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information


Large, Medium, Small, X Large, XX Large